Eunique Structural Alignment Analysis in Calgary
Are you plagued with aches and pains from your daily routine?
Does your back or shoulder always hurt but you don't know why?
Are you looking for a way to achieve optimal performance in your sport?
Think of your body as a stack of books, if all of the books are aligned, there is no problem. But if one book is out of place in the stack, the rest of the books have to be shifted to keep the stack balanced. The exact same thing happens in your body. An imbalance in your body will cause the rest of the body to shift in order to maintain its center of gravity.
A Structural Alignment Assessment is an analysis of your whole body in which imbalances are located and assessed. You will discover what your imbalances are, and receive a series of gentle exercise to bring your body back into a normal balance.
Benefits of a Good Posture
Structural Alignment
So, our mothers and grandmothers knew what they were talking about when they told us to sit up and stand tall, pull your shoulders back. If you're a mother, maybe you have said the same thing. We need to keep saying it and help our children (and ourselves) understand why it's important. There are wonderful, healthful benefits to maintaining good posture, not only for our body, but for our whole self.
Improves overall appearance
Boosts confidence
Aids in digestion, breathing, and other organ function
Helps to prevent back and neck pain
Helps with less problematic pregnancies, labour and quicker postpartum recovery
Strengthens, energizes and revitalizes the body
Feels good to have body in balance
Poor posture can take a tremendous toll on your state of well-being. Besides contributing to lower back pain, bad posture may also contribute to:
Limited flexibility and range of motion
Loss of vital lung capacity
Distorted skeletal alignment
Joint stiffness and pain
Jaw pain
Reduction of blood and oxygen to the brain
Muscular tension
Wear and tear on connective tissue
Predisposition to injury
Posture yourself for a pain free and successful life with a Eunique Structural Alignment Assessment. Contact me to learn more about alignment assessments.